Friday, March 31, 2006

We have launch

The new site design is up and (mostly) functioning. I'll be adding some more features as I go, but I couldn't wait through the weekend to get it up. Please take a look around and let me know what you think or if you have any problems (especially you Mac users out there).

Also, the site should work in any modern browser. But if you're still using Internet Explorer please, PLEASE, switch to Firefox.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Almost there...

The redsign is almost complete. I'm very excited about it so I may put it up as early as tomorrow. Here's a shot from Hawaii until then.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006


I am currently in the proccess of overhauling the site. Some of the links will be dead during the change over but I hope to have everything up by next week. Check back here for details.

P.S. This is not a blog.

P.P.S. I miss creamy jalapeno sauce from Chuy's in Houston.