Friday, July 28, 2006
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
It's Hot Out There
Sacramento Trip
Kathy gets some relief from the triple digit temps at Folsom Lake.
Sean Rainer
7:29 PM
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Best Birthday Weekend Ever?
Here's the run down from Chev's Birthday Weekend...
Thursday: Indigo Girls on the Santa Monica Pier at sunset. Chev loves them, I'm ok with them. But one thing's for sure: their live show is tremendous. A good warm up for the weekend.
Friday: Horse races at Hollywood Park - $1 dogs/$1 beers. Then the BIG surprise: Kerri D flies in from Nashville and surprises Chev at the track. Neil Diamond tribute band "SuperDiamond" and much debauchery follows.
Saturday: Beach Day. Beautiful day in the neighborhood and Chev's ex-roommate Jen surprises her on the beach. Then Saturday night we head to one of the most scenic restaurants in the city, Yomishiro's. Then we closed down Daddy's on Vine with a rousing game of "What else is Lisa's bra good for?"
Sunday: Start out the moring with brunch and World Cup Finals at Poncho's (penalty kicks??? That's like deciding the Super Bowl with field goals*). Then Sunday night we round out the weekend with an amazing, mind blowing, first row, within spitting distance show at the Fabulous Forum featuring Sonic Youth and PEARL JAM!!
Our friends Liz and G-Man got us the killer tickets and it was an unbelievable way to finish out the best birthday weekend ever. Pearl Jam absolutely BRINGS IT live. They played full tilt for over 2 1/2 hours.
Here's some more pics (all taken with Chev's new birthday camera). And here's LStott's gallery.
Much love to Kerri D and Randy for flying in; Jen for driving up from SD; LStott for helping pull it together; and everyone else who was apart of it.
So now the only question remains: how is Chev going to top this for MY birthday?
Sean Rainer
1:40 PM
Galveston Wedding
I'm back from Texas. The wedding was beautiful, the weather was not.
Typical Texas heat, thunderstorms and killer mosiquitoes. So I was actually relieved the ceremony was moved indoors. And the reception, of course, was a blast. The picture is of me singing Elton John's "Your Song" for my mom. I think she liked it.
More pics from the wedding weekend here.
Sean Rainer
1:38 PM
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Chevas on the Wilco Web
I took this picture of Chev at the Jazz Fest last month in Sacramento. I entered it in a photo contest on the Wilco web site and, whaddaya know? It was picked as one of the winners. I'm not sure what we (my name is on there) get for winning, but the honor of being on the Wilco site is plenty.
technorati tags:wilco, chevas, contest, jazz, fest
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Sean Rainer
6:02 PM